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18 February, 2022

Starving girl in Pakistan

This heartbreaking post was sent to me and is the first of 2 harrowing stories we have agreed to help in Pakistan. This girl is the least harrowing of the two and so posting first. She was found like this in the grounds of a university and obviously starving. The wonderful caring girl in the video shot this in the hope she could get help for her. AAI have agreed to help and bring her to the UK and she's now been taken to a wonderful shelter run by the most amazing lady called Zeba. I am hoping we can help this shelter in the future. For now we have named this girl Lily and she is safe but she will need a lot of care to get her back to health and to start her prep so she can come to the UK. We are going to need a lot of fundraising for her and the second case and I hope we can do it in this climate. If anyone can donate to this girl please do as we are starting an escape fund for her and Roxi. It will take a few months to get them here and if anyone can help.please donate and Mark lily big thanks.