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30 December, 2021

Sad news for our rescue boy Devon

This should be a happy post but sadly it is not. I have been wanting to post but it was too upsetting. This lovely video is of Devon in his home. Yes he finally got a home and it was going beautifully. He had finally made it but fate was about to rear her ugly head. He was there 4 weeks and I wanted to make sure it was going to stick before posting and it appeared it was going to. He was so happy and they were happy with him and he behaved beautifully. Alas he started to bleed from his bottom and on further investigations it was found he had cancer that had spread everywhere and there was nothing to be done. My only consolation was that he was in a home those last few weeks but am so angry at the world and just another sign that there is no greater design, its all just chaos out there. Thank you so much to Trudie James and Doris Banham Dog Rescue for all their help with him. I really loved this boy and wished for a better outcome RIP beautiful Devon, this crap world didn't deserve you.

You can read all about his rescue here

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